Get Involved Today!

There are numerous ways to get involved and lend your voice to support this incredible workforce!  Whether you’re an individual who has been impacted by the workforce shortage, you’re a worker, or you represent an employer of workers, we want to hear from you.  Join our lists, tell us your story, or scroll way down to learn about other ways to engage.

Sign up here for updates on our work. We will never sell or share your information and the frequency will rarely exceed four messages a month.

Members of the Partnership pledge to support our efforts to fix the problems in Maine’s care economy and ensure our systems of support are effectively meeting the needs of Maine people and providers..

Tell Us How the Worker Shortage Has Impacted You.

Your stories are powerful testaments for why changes to the system are needed and help identify what those changes should be.

What is your perspective?

3 + 4 =

Other Ways to Get Involved

Direct Care Workers Can...

Employers Can...

  • Join the Partnership and stay informed on our efforts to help you retain a thriving workforce.
  • Support your employees – provide flexible leave and work policies and ensure you have parity in the benefits you offer (if you offer any sort of child care benefit, make sure you offer the same for adult care).
  • Discuss the impact the care workforce shortage is having on your workforce with your legislators.
  • Support your workers with information – help them navigate to supports and services when they are providing care to an adult.

Individuals Can...

Sign Up to Join the Partnership Today!

Maine's Essential Care and Support Workforce Partnership represents a  broad and robust coalition of advocates working to increase access to quality direct care workers for older people, people with intellectual and/or physical disabilities, and those with behavioral health challenges.