Going into this legislative session, The Partnership was working to build on the progress it has made over the past few years.  Unfortunately, we have been spending the first months of this session fighting to hold the gains we have made.  We are working hard to minimize the damage that will be done if we cannot find the will to increase investment in our essential care & support workforce and our long term support services.

The Supplemental Budget did not include promised Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) for the workforce and more than ½ of the MaineCare budget reductions in Governor Mills’ proposed Biennial Budget are related to our previous investments in growing the workforce, directly threatening the reliability and stability of care services for Maine people who rely on them.

Separately and together, these two budgets severely undermine the modest but critical progress we’ve made in appropriately valuing this workforce and the care and support they provide.

What can you do?

  • Reach out to your legislators (Senators, Representatives) and let them know how important it is that we stay the course and continue to invest in this workforce – not balance budgets on the backs of this workforce and the people they care for and support.
  • Do you have a story to tell?  Do you have a loved one needing care that you’ve had a difficult time finding care for?  Have you had to drop out of the workforce to care for a loved one?  Are you needing care or support to stay independent and in your home?  Tell us – It is important that people understand the impacts of under investment in our care & support systems.
  • You can also reach out today with this Action Alert created by Leadership Team Member, Maine Center for Economic Policy.

If the Supplemental Budget does not garner the 2/3rds majority votes to pass, it will not provide the relief needed in time to avert damaging losses in our safety net for thousands of Mainers.

If the Biennial Budget is not amended to stay the course, agencies will fail and building back will be exceedingly difficult. Read our Testimony Here.

In a state with almost $1 billion in the rainy day fund, it is criminal to balance the budget on older Mainers, people with physical and intellectual disabilities, and behavioral health challenges and the workers who care for them.